Firearm Rights Restoration

Firearm Rights Restoration

If you have been convicted of a felony, you are prohibited under state and federal law from possessing a firearm unless your firearm rights are restored.  Seagroves Legal can help! Regaining your Second Amendment rights is a big deal for a list of  reasons, but ensuring the safety of your home and family is at the top of that list.  Speak to Attorney Seagroves today about your options.

Restoring Your Firearm Rights

Losing the ability to possess or purchase a firearm can be a significant loss, especially for residents of North Carolina where hunting  is a common and frequent activity. However, if you have been convicted of a felony, you must petition the court  to have your firearm rights restored or obtain an expungement in order to legally possess a firearm again.

In North Carolina, after a period of 20 years, you may qualify for firearm rights restoration.  The waiting period begins to run once your sentence or period of probation/parole is up,  Currently, the law only allows restoration for those who have just one felony conviction; however, if multiple convictions occurred in the same session of court, you may still qualify.

Many felony offenses that would be excluded from expungement eligibility would not be prohibitors under the state laws for firearm restoration.  Yet, there are still disqualifying offenses.  This is why it is very helpful to speak with a Raleigh Firearm Rights Lawyer like Candace Seagroves about whether you may qualify for relief.

Firearm Restoration Process

Petitioning for the restoration of your gun rights will involve a few steps, including a hearing before a District Court Judge.  The hearing is held in the county where your felony conviction occurred.  You will have to be fingerprinted and will need to submit to a federal background check.  There are particular forms and requirements for each step and so it is highly advisable that you seek the assistance of a skilled firearm rights attorney like Candace Seagroves.  She can ensure that you have met the criteria for eligibility and that you are adequately prepared for the hearing in front of the judge.

It is important that you consult with Attorney Seagroves about your firearm rights restoration.  As mentioned earlier, gun rights can be restored either through an expungement or through an action for firearm rights restoration.  The waiting period is much shorter with an expungement and allows for greater freedoms regarding gun rights than does the avenue for firearm restoration.  Seagroves Legal will assess your particular circumstances to determine which option is best for you.

Restoration of Your Firearm Rights Comes with Some Limitations

Unless your felony conviction is expunged, a successful petition to restore your firearm rights under North Carolina law will come with some limitations.  Seagroves Legal can advise you on what the scope of your restoration may be.  The good news is that a successful petition for restoration will enable you to possess a weapon at your home and will enable you to hunt in North Carolina — the two most important reasons that people request to have their gun rights restored in this state.  So while there may be some restrictions, there are definitely benefits to obtaining restoration of your firearm rights.

Seagroves Legal Can Guide You Through the Firearm Restoration Process

When considering restoration of your gun rights there are several different options of relief that may be available to you.  Attorney Candace Seagroves is experienced  with all of the varying options and can provide you with the proper direction and guidance that you need to regain your Second Amendment rights.  Contact her today for a free consultation.

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